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[Handle-info] Option to configure bind address for outgoing connections?

Hello all,


In consultation with our security/network/server management departments, we have a separate IP address for a Handle server (ending with .61). The main IP address of this server ends with .58.


Incoming and outgoing traffic is allowed for ports 2641 and 8000 for the IP address ending with .61, but not for the IP address ending with .58. For incoming connections, this is working fine but for outgoing connections, the Handle server tries to initiate connections on the IP address ending with .58, which is not allowed in our network.


Is it possible to configure the Handle server to bind to a certain IP address for OUTGOING connections like this is possible for incoming connections by using "bind_address" in the config.dct?


ss -a | grep hdl-srv

udp   UNCONN     0      0    [::ffff:***.***.***.61]:hdl-srv    *:*

tcp   LISTEN     0      50   [::ffff:***.***.***.61]:hdl-srv    *:*

tcp   CLOSE-WAIT 1      0    [::ffff:***.***.***.61]:hdl-srv    [::ffff:]:37770              

tcp   SYN-SENT   0      1    [::ffff:***.***.***.58]:54304      [::ffff:]:hdl-srv


In the last line it can be seen the IP address ending with .58 is used for an outgoing connection instead of the desired IP address ending with .61, resulting in our Handle server not being able to setup outgoing connections.




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